The team...
Laura Witzal
President and Co-Founder
Laura Witzal, previously the director and coordinator of Whispering Woods Animal Rescue, renamed the group to begin a journey with Lynn Homsky to rescue dogs from shelters. As a child, Laura would bring in all kinds of pets, from cats to rabbits to stray dogs. After rescuing 4 of her dogs, Laura decided now was the right time to devote her time and energy into rescuing and finding animals loving and caring homes. Laura is a registered nurse, who recently completed her Masters Degree, but that has not stopped her from doing what she loves most. Laura, also serves as the dog trainer for the facility.
Sara Gloede
Vice President
Sara Gloede has been involved in rescue for a multitude of years. Sara helps coordinate adoption events, along with assisting in adoption counseling and caring for the dogs. Sara has three rescue dogs of her own. Sara is also a full-time college student pursuing a career in Physical Therapy for animals.
Lynn Homsky
Lynn Homsky has been in the rescue business for many years. She brings her knowledge and skills to assist in coordinating all fosters, eventing and transportation needs. Lynn has 4 dogs of her own all rescues. Lynn would eventually like to buy a home big enough to rescue more. Lynn is employed as a director for a pharmacutical packing company.